Dec 22 - Fuel Injectors cleaned at SingPo.
Dec xx - Gearbox oil and filter changed. Front lower arms changed.
This is a blog of my thoughts on cars through the years. W202 stands as one of the best Mercedes I have driven, and C36 (aside from C43) is the best in the W202s. However if you read more you know I am not the biggest fans for read on! 2001 Honda Civic ES8 1.5L VTi in Silver (multitronic) 1993 Merc W140 S500 Coupe (My Idle Project Car) 2005 Mitsubishi Evo IX GSR 6-Speed.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Corolla - Update & Reflection
A visit on Dec 23rd to San Po Kong took care the engine vibration issue largely. Fuel injectors were cleaned at HK$150 a piece, which brings refinement and perhaps more power via a fuller combustion. Now the car should feel closer to its brand-new condition. And additional engine mount ($280) replaced a much stronger and stiffer (not broken) one which takes care of the excess vibration. The next step is change of tire (BS GR-90) and
I think the Corolla is a step closer to minimalist motoring. It is a fun (stick shift) and utility (a Toyota 4-door). It is like next to not owning a car in terms of everything I know about an ownership. I regret that, for no particular reason, to change tires on the SLK350. I do not see the link between the SLK350 and the Corolla, as it is quite painless to own both of them myself. And both represents a liquid asset. And there is no urgency to sell either one of them. It should be comfortable in physical terms to own both them indefinitely. And the cheaper $800 per month per car park proves to be a further reduction in car park rental expense. The car park rental is indeed the lowest in years I have known. Why would I feel uncomfortable owning both is beyond me. It seems more like a feeling of mutually exclusive mindset that I should sell the SLK because the prime position would be assigned to the Corolla. But it would be normal that I would like other car later on this spot. There can be no permanence on this spot as I would want change for some external and convenient reasons. The concept or idea of prime spot is very funny and not very inconceivable to me even if the idea and specific feeling are mine and mine alone. There can be a spot of having both cars which is now physically feasible. Consider it as a package that both cars not conflicting, but complementing each other. There can be no better situation as of today. There can be other time that owning both cars (of different breeds at a different time) would be not reasonable and feasible, or under default consideration. So I would like to enjoy this specific moment of exception, while it lasts.
Corolla is stress-free, care-free car. It will bear no pressure. The only drawbacks are status-related impressions, as well as lack of acceleration when it is needed. It is not that it will come very often. It is that this embarrassing moments would come unannounced and unexpectedly, which could be annoying at times. And this annoyance will cause my desire to change car, again. This is the situation I frequently have found myself into, even though I cannot quite satisfactorily explain and provide a solution.
I seem to be forever trapped in the kind of yo-yo action, swinging back and forth slowly between choice or cars and unwilling and forced execution under the force of my own irresistible desire.
I will let the situation to show itself when it comes down to the SLK350 and Corolla. There is no need to calculate, as it is a sign of weak principle or simply a lack of it, that govern and overlook all my decisions.
Corolla is a freedom car, isn't it? Not quite but it is one of the best in terms of minimalistic ownership.
The limitation is perhaps in the presence of flat spots in acceleration as well as the lack of status symbol when a situation requires.
Corolla has a very nice and tight turning circle.
Waxed on Dec 2nd. The clear coat on the rear was gone.
Wiped clean the buttons. One of the water jet working very weak after a quick fix (better than doing nothing).
CR1616 for the remote battery.
First service done on December 11th, Saturday. I love the result. Oil, filter, and air filter change. Front brake pad, new engine mount and new spark plugs. All for $2200. A little regret about the high price and if it is less than $1000 I would feel much better. The acceleration is a whole lot smoother and more urgent with less vibration. I had a haircut with dye and obtained form for ownership transfer (Bora).
I aim at the Philips LCD head unit, but I was told it has a buggy software. So it is better to spend more on JVC head-unit.
I still think of new tires for Corolla BS GR90 - $3000 for 4. Also there is a Michelin LC (used) for $1300.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Corolla - My very first Toyota
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Taken on December 20th, 2010 at UST |
And then it becomes both my utility car and project car. It is cheap on fuel, running close to $1 per km. It is robust and will take the daily chores, around 1,500 kms per month.
I spare no money in bringing it to the best shape that could be possibly done.
It is an incredibly fun car as it is manual and has bags of low end torque. Also it is light-weight and swift through traffic, with small turing circle.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
SLK350 October Log
Oct 2 - Oil Service at Pak Lok. 19,000 kms. Miller engine oil, air filter, Bosch wipers, a/c filter.
Oct 4 - 'HA376' on SLK350. Ownership changed to Tiki. Privatized.
Oct 4 - 'HA376' on SLK350. Ownership changed to Tiki. Privatized.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
SLK350 - First Blog Entry
Finally Tiki and I picked up the SLK350 from the Fairview Park. It is 6 years old but only has 19,000 kms on the odo. The car is in a very nice and mint condition. I simply love it. It comes with a set of 17" wheel (identical to those fitted to my C36) and a set of old and yet usable Continentals.
Monday, February 08, 2010
BMW 523i (E39) Update xx
我在近期購得的523i是否更換某些零件上感覺相當的疑惑,心裡面覺得有兩股力量在爭持著。一股為金錢及利潤的考慮已完成使該車能達到出售基本要求,故不願再花費。二是我想將之據為己有,強烈地覺得應再花費將之完善。藉以消除忐忑心情,但此舉必令其失卻盈利的可能。 屬於我的Civic 是一個好例子,花費完善後感受不好,路噪增加,音響有干擾聲,倒不如不花費,維持原狀。在此時我只好接受事實。
這種疑惑大可透過澄清523i的最終用途來解決。在未澄清是否是自用前只可進行「最低消費」,保留最大的彈性- 可售亦可自用。查實進行「最低消費」時,其目的亦是以少量支出去增加售出機會,亦同時提升自用性。「最低消費」亦有上限,超出並不會對售出有顯明幫助,但卻明顯剝削了盈利。
Monday, February 01, 2010
作為一般車主,到了某時刻基於某些因由,總會有換車的動機及條件。此短文旨在勾劃出一些架構因素,提供一些客觀性的看法。換車總不離開一種逼切性,該逼切性提供一系列為換車所需行動的意欲及動力。由於各人行動迥異,暫且不遨。逼切性的多少及持續時間,决定了換車成功與否的主要因素。對一般車主而言,其現有車輛本身及狀況如滿足其基本需求及無其不可忍受的缺失,則換車的逼切性則相對地低,未必會在其意識內構成任何換車的思想活動。但當需要轉變及客觀因素有重大改變,則會構成壓逼性。對一般車主而言,以上因素並非經常要面對的,換車亦不是經常性的。壓逼性另一來源是來自一般人喜愛比較的傾向。所謂比較,是指人意識中不自不覺地將周遭所遇見某些有新鮮好感之事物代入其生活中設想,在思想界面作出一種在兩者間差異上的比較 。進行差異的比較,旨在能簡短有力地去把握主要優點及缺失,但卻往往不經意及間接引發對新事物的好奇心 (Curiosity)。好奇心可大可小,小則是短暫的衝動,大則一發不可收,非得到不罷休。
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
A brief reflection on car ownership - C32 AMG and 130i
It occurred to me over the busy weekend that I needed to sit down quietly to reflect on the two cars. The immediate urge, as usual, is to find out which is the better one to own. And naturally I hope to eventually own one of them so that I will have a perfect fleet of cars (two only) under my belt. The struggle on which cars to own have been going on fiercely, if not actively, on at least four levels - on a practical, everyday level, on the emotional level, and on the ideal level, and lastly on the financial level. It is so complex it is not possible for me to pin down at times. It is seemingly impossible to lock down over time once a firm grip has been made. It seems evasive and ever-changing, refusing to be locked down. The ownership of cars, therefore, is more adequately described as a stream or a flow of ownership. The cars I own simply become 'obsolete' in my mind before they actually and naturally expire, therefore necessitate various form of justification for the 'change'. I have ever done it so often since my very first car and the result was a combo of bad and good things. It has no doubt enriched my personal, hands-on, relative deep experience on various cars, but on the other hand has damaged my personal finance in the first half of my 20-year of career life. So now I judge that the finance is the very line of defense - as long as the baseline is covered I can do whatever I need and want.
It came to my attention that I needed to write about the C32 and 130i, both adequate cars. The clear advantage of 130i is its young age and speed. The C32 is an continuation of the previously owned C36, its package and my (and Tiki's as well) affinity to Mercedes cars. If it had to be chosen based on monetary consideration, C32 would win based on its lower cost of acquisition as well as second-hand value (easier to sell, too).
Bad news came yesterday that the C32 would not be sold to me. The loss of the possibility of getting the C32 put a good dent unexpectedly in my already dampened mood. This once again proves that the level of abundance in the availability of possibility is well connected to the level of well-being one would feel. I would write about this in my next blog - The Token of Possibility - Money.
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